Tip 17: Research Everything

Hi guys, long time no see! That’s my fault, sorry for that. I have no excuses this time so if you want to stick my head on a pike, feel free to do so. 😀 Anyway, today I wanted to talk to you guys about the importance of research. Research is very important! I know I’m repeating things. Shh. No one asked you! 😀 Okay, so research. Here’s an easy way to explain why research is necessary. Remember that time when your friend or teacher or sibling told you that opinion of theirs and you accepted it as fact? No? Wow, what life do you people have? 😀 Anyway, by taking their view on things, you ignored your own and without research, you were unable to form your own opinion.

Here’s another example. Let’s say people are sharing conspiracy theories with you, telling you things like Hitler didn’t really commit suicide, he ran off to South America. (By the way, I didn’t just make that up. That’s an actual theory with a certain amount of evidence backing it up. If you want to know what evidence, feel free to search for more. Oh yeah, I just helped you on your way to becoming better researchers. 10 points for me. :)) I’ve also lost the point I was trying to make. If someone tells you a conspiracy theory and you believe them, you take away your own thinking ability. You basically allow them to form an opinion for you that you could’ve formed yourself through a good old fashioned Google search. Or Bing, whatever suits you, but really, who uses Bing? 😀

I don’t really think I need to relate a personal experience here to show you guys how and when not researching has happened to me. I think we all know that it has happened A LOT in our daily lives. I’ll go ahead and tell you one experience though, just to show you that research is applicable in all subjects. Today, my parents shared with me some things about Islam, my religion. I won’t get in to any of the details but as they talked, I realized that compared to a lot of people, my knowledge of my religion wasn’t very high. So, when people stated things that had occurred according to Islam, I couldn’t say otherwise because I lacked in knowledge myself. Since then, I’ve been researching the topics I don\t know much about. This was a case where people weren’t trying to change my opinion on a matter but where I simply lacked the knowledge to debate a topic. Only after this experience did I actually think back to all the times I could’ve won arguments or known not to listen to certain people if I’d simply done my research before or after that day.

That’s why I want you guys to research everything that people tell you and do it to increase your own knowledge. Don’t let other people dictate their opinions to you because all of you have a right to make one yourself. Don’t simply accept “facts”. See if they are true. Apply your own mind to a matter. Ask questions. Seek answers. Who knows, one day, researching everything might actually pay off, like getting back at the brother who thought he knew more than you. I don’t know about you guys but I look forward to that day. 😀 Thanks for reading everyone. A new post will be out soon. Stay tuned and have a nice day. 🙂

Tip 10: A Great Place To Search For Things is Where You left Them

Hello guys! Today, we have a milestone to celebrate. No, my exams are not over yet though I’m sure a lot of you couldn’t care less about that. No, I’m just joking, you people are nice. Right? Right?? Anyway, the milestone is that today is tip number 10. Yaay, our first milestone together, this is exciting. On that note, I thought I’d share something….interesting that happened to me today. Believe me, when I say interesting, that is the only word I can find to describe what happened. 😀 Today is about finding things. Picture the following. You just bought new shoes for yourself from Nike. You’ve brought them home, taken them off in your lounge, then have gone to sleep in your room. A few hours later, you wake up and all of a sudden, you can’t find your shoes.

It can be such a hassle to look for your belongings when you lose them. It’s like playing a game of Where’s Waldo but without the fun. It’s irritating beyond reason actually but here’s a big hint. This is something that we take in to account and then go on to ignore because we think, nah, that’s too obvious. Guys, stop watching crime dramas on TV! It’s affecting your brain. You guys are literally thinking, it can’t be in the obvious place I left it because that’s too obvious. Time to wake up! Even TV shows lie. Most crimes in the real world are actually pretty straight forward. The people who commit them aren’t Houdinis and the cops that track them down are, though apt, normally not Adrian Monks or Sherlock Holmes.

I’m getting really off topic now but basically, it’s the same with your belongings. The first place you should go back and look for them in is the place you left them in! What happened with me further justified that. So, my sister is having exams these days. Tomorrow, she has a Maths exam. She was using sample papers and solving them today. The papers were compiled in to a book. She needed to go to the bathroom and left her book somewhere. When she came out, she couldn’t find it. She looked around a bit and asked me if I had seen it. I said no, but that she had last been in my elder brother’s room so it could’ve been there. Then I got up to go in to my elder brother’s room because he had a fridge with chocolates inside and I was hungry. (Don’t judge me. 🙂 ) Anyway, my sister thinking I was going to magically lead her to the book, followed me.

I got to the fridge and opened it. Meanwhile, she says to me, “Oh yeah, I’m sure I left in the fridge. I mean why wouldn’t I.” That was sarcasm in case you didn’t understand. I’m not doubting your ability to catch that at all. 😀 Anyway, so as she says it, lo and behold, I find her book inside the fridge. So, yes people your belongings can end up in weird places sometimes but odds are, that weird place is somewhere inside the general area you left it in. That’s why it’s a good rule of thumb to retrace your steps but start from the end and work backwards. Start with the last area you were in and slowly work back to when you last had that belonging with you. I’m sure you’ll find it then and if you don’t, I’m sure you can buy another (unless it’s a family heirloom or an Iphone 6, in those cases your pretty much busted.) 😀 I wish all of you a good day and hope to see you again soon….very, very soon. Ciao for now guys! 🙂